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Lower Division Requirements
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

BS - Engineering - BS Civil Engineering

San José State University -to- DeAnza College

Community College students should meet with a counselor as soon as possible to determine the equivalent courses offered at that institution. Students should complete as many as possible of the lower division requirements listed below, prior to transfer.

Lower Division Course Requirements

Community College Course Equivalents

To graduate in a timely manner, students are encouraged to take as many of the following articulated courses as possible prior to transfer.
Students must earn at least a 2.0 GPA in all approved courses taken in the Civil Engineering Department
The following course in Preparation for the Major must be completed with a "C- or better": ENGL 001B

Second Course in English Composition

(select a course approved in CSU GE Area C2 and articulates to the following course):
ENGL 001B Argument and AnalysisEWRT 1B Reading, Writing and Research
EWRT 1BH Reading, Writing and Research - Honors
ESL 6 Critical Reading and Research for Writing

Preparation for the Major:

CHEM 001A General ChemistryCHEM 1A General Chemistry I
CHEM 1B General Chemistry II
CHEM 1AH General Chemistry I - HONORS
CHEM 1BH General Chemistry II - HONORS
(Complete one course sequence at same school)
GEOL 002 Geology for EngineersNo Current Equivalent
MATH 030 Calculus IMATH 1A Calculus I
MATH 1AH Calculus I - HONORS
MATH 031 Calculus IIMATH 1B Calculus II
MATH 1C Calculus III
([MATH 1B or MATH 1BH] & [MATH 1C or MATH 1CH] must be completed at same school)
MATH 032 Calculus IIIMATH 1C Calculus III
MATH 1D Calculus IV
([MATH 1C or MATH 1CH] & [MATH 1D or MATH 1DH] must be completed at same school)
MATH 033A Ordinary Differential Equations for SCI & ENGRMATH 2A Differential Equations
MATH 2AH Differential Equations - Honors
PHYS 050 General Physics I: MechanicsPHYS 4A Physics for Scientists & Engineers: Mechanics
PHYS 051 General Physics II: Electricity and MagnetismPHYS 4B Physics for Scientists & Engineers: Electricity & Magnetism

Lower Division Requirements of the Major:

CE 095 Theory and Application of StaticsENGR 35 Statics
ENGR 010 Introduction to EngineeringENGR 10 Introduction to Engineering
(No GE Credit given)
CE 008 Plane SurveyingNo Current Equivalent
CE 020 Engineering Graphics, CAD and ProgrammingNo Current Equivalent
ME 020 Design and GraphicsNo Current Equivalent
ME 030 Computer ApplicationsCIS 40 Introduction to Programming in Python
Note: Courses articulated to both ME 020 and ME 030 (both courses must be taken) can be used to satisfy CE 20.


Admission to San Jose State is competitive in all majors. SJSU continues to have more qualified applicants than available new student spaces. Because of this, SJSU is an impacted campus with impacted programs. For the most current information regarding admission impaction at SJSU please visit our website SJSU Impaction Information page.

Prior to transferring to San Jose State University all transfers must earn at least 60 transferable semester units (90 quarter), including the CSU four basic skill courses required for CSU admission eligibility (except majors which have an approved CSU GE A3 waiver). Within those 60 semester/90 quarter units, students are strongly encouraged to complete the following:

1. Lower Division Major Course Requirements (especially for STEM Majors):
Complete as many of the lower division courses required for the major as possible. Many of these courses may be double counted as part of the CSU GE-Breadth 39 semester unit requirements. The lower division major courses for this major are shown above.

2. General Education Requirements:
Complete all the CSU GE Breadth requirements at the community college (39 semester units/58 quarter units). The approved courses for each area can be found at under the link "CSU GE-Breadth Certification Courses" for your college. Many of these courses may be double counted to meet the major requirements shown above, so choose your courses wisely. Some SJSU majors which meet GE requirements within the majors are noted on the Major Exceptions and Modifications page in our catalog. Please see your college counselor/advisor to review your general education in order to receive FULL OR PARTIAL CERTIFICATION PRIOR TO TRANSFER to San Jose State University.

3. Second Course in English Composition highly recommended:
All students are strongly encouraged to complete a second English composition course as part of their lower division GE prior to transferring to SJSU (either to meet CSU GE Area A3 or C2) for the greatest success in passing the Writing Skills Test (WST) at SJSU. Complete this course with a grade of "C" or better prior to registering for the WST at SJSU to avoid delays in enrollment for other SJSU courses. To register for the WST contact our Testing office at:

4. American Institutions Requirement (US 1, US 2, and US 3 must be completed):
This requirement is normally 2 courses and can be taken as part of your CSU GE-Breadth 39 semester unit requirements (GE Area D and sometimes Area C). The approved courses can be found at under the link "CSU U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals Courses" for your college.

5. Graduation Requirement - Physical Education (PE):
All undergraduate students who matriculate at SJSU are required to complete two units of physical education from Kinesiology/Dance activity courses, unless the major program has an approved PE waiver. Majors which have approved PE waivers are noted on the Major Exceptions and Modifications page in our catalog.

(page last modified: 01/17/2025)